Lee University Percussion Festival/Tennessee Day of Percussion 2019
Events Schedule
February 22-23, 2019 Lee University Cleveland, TN
February 22
12:00-9:00 All-State HS rehearsal (Pangle Hall); All-Collegiate rehearsal (Conn Center)
February 23
8:00 - 8:50 Registration (Conn Center) / Percussion Petting Zoo (Conn Center)
9:00 - 9:50 Andy Kruspe (CRR – School of Music)
Mock Orchestral Audition (IRR – School of Music)
- Judges: James Campbell, Lee Vinson
HS Keyboard Competition (Squires Hall)
- Judges: Matthew Geiger, Brian Nozny
10:00 - 10:50 Tom Hurst (Conn Center)
Multi competition (IRR – School of Music)
- Judges: James Campbell, Matthew Geiger
11:00 - 11:50 Matt Geiger (Conn Center)
All-State concert (Pangle Hall)
HS Snare Competition (IRR – School of Music)
- Judges: Shane Gwaltney, Tom Hurst
College Keyboard Competition (Squires Hall)
- Judges: Andy Harnsberger, Lee Vinson
12:00 -1:30 LUNCH (local restaurants)
1:30 - 3:30 Ensemble performances (Conn Center)
3:45 - 4:20 Winners concert (Squires Hall)
4:30 - 5:20 Andy Harnsberger (Conn Center)
5:30 - 6:20 Shane Gwaltney (Squires Hall)
6:30 - 7:30 All collegiate concert (Conn Center)
Prize drawings will be held between events. Must be present to win!
Raffle tickets available at Conn Center
Drinks/snacks available at Conn Center